Bryan Benwitz is at His Witz' End
1st Bryan Benwitz averaged 477 points per game; with that display of elevated scoring prowess, it should come as a surprise to nobody that he went 4-0 with a large spread (+536 in this case). He initiated the massacre with a pair of 500-point games, both of them involving four Bryan bingos (Bryingos?). The first of those games was a 518-378 win over Dennis Lloyd. Dennis tried to stay in the game by playing DETRACTS, but was wholly overwhelmed by Bryan's bingo parade of WEARIER, DOYENNE, STORAGE, and LENTOIDS. He then upped his game even further, scoring a 537-345 victory against Barb Besadny thanks to bingos of FATTIER, REDLINED, TAMARIN, and ETOILES. Against Mary Becker, a score of 414 would end up being his lowest of the night, but still plenty enough to win: Mary scored just 289 in the face of Bryan's unconquerable might. Bryan had ONLY two bingos in that one, WAITRON and RELENTED. It is worthing noting that Bryan also played the role of "spoiler" this night, as two of his opponents (Mary and Dennis) were undefeated save for their ill-fated encounter with Bryan.
2nd Charles Reinke went 3-1 +432, the highest spread out of all the 3-1 finishers. Charles wasted no time in doling out his usual servings of "Charles' Scrabble Surprise", taking down Susan Vergeront 493-255. ACEDIAS, VIROSES, and DUNAGREE (also UNAGREED and UNDERAGE) were his bingos in that contest. Three bingos obviously not being enough, Charles played four against Lynda Finn, a game that ended 511-352 in Charles' favor. Lynda found UNTILLED and TEARGAS; Charles had PLEROMA, NUCLEATE, WIPEOUT, and the 101-point STRAKES. In his third and final win, Charles defeated his twin brother/mortal enemy Thomas Reinke by a score of 450-398. Thomas played BADDEST (BAD is an adjective meaning "very good"??? kids and their slang these days dadgummit), but Charles one-upped him with EARLOBES and CAMPHORS.
3rd Peter Schmiedicke compiled a 3-1 +176 record, averaging exactly his yearly average at 410 points per game. His major accomplishment was pulling off the rare "Anti-Reinke", defeating both Reinke brothers, this time back-to-back. He started out by bulldozing Thomas 458-290; the twin was prevented from bingoing entirely while Peter leisurely laid down words like DETAILS, ANGORAS, and BLOWZIER. The next twin matchup would prove to be a bit closer, ending with a score of 416-399. This time, Charles would get down a bingo (PSORALEA), but would still get outdone by Peter's related bingos of MALTOSE (n. a type of sugar) and SUGARERS. Mary Becker would be the person responsible for Peter's sole loss, defeating him 418-376 and temporarily nullifying his unearned "Peter the Defeater" nickname. There were just two bingos in that one: Mary's DENIERS and Peter's GINNIEST.
Thomas played the word of the week, AGUISHLY. There were two new bingos played: Charles' PLEROMA and Gail's GAITERED (the second time she has played that word!).
Wednesday, February 19:
Scrabble at Misty Mountain Games
Wednesday, February 26:
Scrabble at Covenant Church
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Posted 1/17/2025