Club Results 2/5

1st Charles Reinke continued to be an unstoppable force not encountering any hypothetical immovable objects, as his 5-0 +684 record propelled him to seventeen straight wins. Two of those victories came against Mark Kenas, who, to his credit, is the only person to beat Charles in this club season. Collins victory #1 was 469-430 in Charles' favor, while victory #2 was a bit more lopsided, 482-332. Showing uncommon consideration for his American-dictionary-playing clubmates, Charles' bingos in those games were all NWL-valid: SALIVATE, READDICT, RINGSTER, SORDINE, and PRAISING. In round two, Charles defeated Bryan Benwitz 462-382, putting more cushion between him and last year's club champion. To wrap things up, Charles played two-on-one games versus Sara McLaughlin and Andy Bohnsack; both wins were quite comfortable, 460-353 against Andy and 572-264 against Sara. The bingos continued to pile on, with Charles adding SPILITE, RETRACT, INEDITA, CANTRIPS, GUERIDON, SHORTIA, and MAFTIRS to his ever-expanding bingo list.

2nd Bryan Benwitz ensured that this week's writeup is eerily similar in format to last week's writeup, with a 3-1 +123 record. Facing off against Thomas Reinke in round one, Bryan overcame Thomas' UNITIES, RADIOMEN, and AERATOR with his own SEQUOIA and EARNINGS (the latter a triple-triple for 131 points), and got a high-scoring 497-445 win. In the category of "good deeds not going unpunished", Bryan was immediately paired with the other Reinke, with not quite as much success, the final result being a 382-462 loss for Bryan. Things turned around in the third game of the night, as Bryan countered Dave Kinzer's AIRFOIL with his own ORIENTS and won, 403-407. As freezing rain turned the church parking lot into a sheet of glare ice, Bryan bravely entered a round-four fracas against Dennis Lloyd and again emerged victorious, 453-398. Dennis did play the word of the week, GRAPPAS, in his losing effort.

3rd Andy Bohnsack went 3-2 +251 and averaged 427 points per game, bringing his yearly average above the expected 400-point threshold. Playing two games in round one afforded Andy the chance to get off to a good start, and he capitalized, beating Dennis Lloyd 388-340 and Sara McLaughlin 474-320, despite playing fewer bingos than his norm (GRIPERS against Dennis, URINALS and ENDORSEE against Sara). The good fortune continued as Andy cruised past Dave Kinzer to the tune of 509-323, finding SOLVENTS, NAUSEATE, and CANDORS. Sadly, Andy's 3-0 record at that point doomed him, and he faced off against both Reinkes in rapid succession, dropping both games and slipping to a still-respectable third place in the night's standings.

Posted on 2025-02-07 04:32:05 by admin

Wednesday, February 26:
Scrabble at Covenant Church

Wednesday, March 5:
Scrabble at Covenant Church

Wednesday, March 12:
Scrabble at Covenant Church

Wednesday, March 19:
Scrabble at Misty Mountain Games

Club Results 2/19
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Club Results 2/5
Posted 2/7/2025

Club Results 1/29
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Club Results 1/22
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